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Home » Scientist’s Biography

Torricelli, Evangelista (1608-47):

Short Biography – Torricelli, Evangelista (1608-47):

Italian scientist who was to become a helper (amanuensis) to Galileo. Upon Galileo’ death, in 1642, Torricelli was to take a position at the Florentine Academy. We will always know him for the invention of the “Torricellian tube.” It was on account of Torricelli’s experiments that we were to come to better under stand the nature of atmospheric pressure, for example, it was Torricelli who first determined that water will not rise above 33 feet in a suction pump. So, too, it is to Torricelli that we owe the first statement of the principles of hydro mechanics. His efforts also led to considerable improvements to both the telescope and microscope. First and foremost, however, Torricelli was a mathematician and he is credited with “several mathematical discoveries.”

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